Ambassador meeting with Mr. Jack Myint of USABC and Foreign Policy Team of Senator Benjamin Cardin1/17/2020
Dear Compatriots,
May I share with all Compatriots that: 1. I had a meeting on January 15 at the Embassy with Mr. Jack Myint, Senior Official in charge of Cambodia and Myanmar, US- ASEAN Business Council (USABC). The discussion focused on the incoming visit to Cambodia on February 20-21 of a US business delegation of at least 12 well known American companies to explore business opportunities in the country, especially on energy (oil) and ICT. He requested the Embassy to help arrange for the delegation’s courtesy call on Prime Minister Hun Sen as well as meetings with the Ministries concerned. During the meeting, he underlined the USABC stance and that of US businessmen to not support the removal of Cambodia’s GSP. He said the USABC has make known the above- mentioned position to the US Administration and the Congress. 2. I met on Jan 16 at the Senate Office Building with Foreign Policy team: Ms Katherine Close, Senior Policy Advisor, and Mr. Jonathan Weadon, Foreign Policy Fellow, of Senator Benjamin Cardin, Democrat of Maryland, Member of Committee on Foreign Affairs. The discussion focused on the promotion of the Cambodia-US relations and the current situation in Cambodia. With my best regards, Chum Sounry Comments are closed.
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